Friday, August 31, 2007

Between an image and a coffee.

Our project “ZurichX” aims to pay the attention for details typical of Fs in regard to little airports to a hub as huge as Zurich. This challenge is hard because of the many technical difficulties, and perhaps that’s why at the moment, on international market there aren’t many developers at work on FSX hubs. We like all the FS fans to be involved in our work, so we intended our blog as a sort of work in progress report based on images more than on words. “Zurich project” will have two versions, one for FSX and one for FS9, in order to be usable by the different platforms; FS9 is already sure and quick on updated PCs, while FSX, technically speaking, offers more creative opportunities for the developers, and both these qualities will be ensured in Zurich9 and ZurichX.
Il nostro progetto ZurichX nasce con lo scopo di estendere la ricerca del dettaglio tipica degli scenari di piccole dimensioni per FS, anche ad un grosso Hub come Zurigo. La sfida è ardua, presenta molti ostacoli tecnici da superare, forse per questo motivo al momento sul mercato internazionale non ci sono molti sviluppatori impegnati su grossi aeroporti nativi FSX. Vogliamo rendere partecipi tutti gli appassionati dei dei nostri progressi: per questo abbiamo pensato il nostro Blog come una sorta di report sul nostro lavoro basato sulle immagini più che sulle parole. Le versioni di ZurichX saranno due, una per FSX e per FS9. Un progetto così ambizioso non può essere legato dai vincoli delle versioni di FS ma deve essere fruibile da tutto il pubblico di appassionati.
Notre projet “Zurich X” prends naissance avec un but précis; étendre l’attention pour les détails typique de FS aux petits aéroports à un hub grand comme celui de Zurich. Cette défi est difficile à cause des nombreux difficultées téchniques et peut être que c’est pour ca que aujourd’hui, dans le marché international il n’y a pas beaucoup de développeurs travaillants sur grands FSX hub. Nous voulons que tous les passionné soient entrainés dans notre projet, c’est pour cela que nous avons pensé notre blog comme une sorte de “work in progress” report fondé plus sur les images que sur les mots. Zurich projet aura deux versions, une pour FSX et une pour FS9, de sorte qu’il sera utilisable avec les differentes plateformes; FS9 est déjà sure et vite avec les modernes ordinateurs, FSX techniquement offres double opportunités créatives pour les développeurs. Ces qualités seront conservées dans Zurich9 et ZurichX.


Anonymous said...

Got a question, will the sceneries will both be released in the same time? Or one package released for FS9 and the other for FSX? (although I don't use FSX), or even a package that will include both versions?

Which design techniques are you using? GMAX?

Will your group publish the scenery on your own end or will you publish it to a general site like Simmarket or Aerosoft?

Thanks, TL

Alessandro Cucinotta said...

The version and time of release depends by the publisher, at the moment the publisher is still not decided, the techniques used for devoloping is full compatible with MS SDK, (and integrated with personalized modules for extra feature at moment not possible with standard SDK).

Anonymous said...

thanks for the heads up alessandro :)