Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hey!!! Terminal E is closed for maintenance!!

In the first video you can see my desktop... :-) Sorry for bad video quality.
cell phone cam can't do better :-(


Anonymous said...

hard to tell if this is the zurichX scenery or the real airport ;)

Vigilius said...

Sarebbero questi i particolari di cui parlavi? Non vedo gli orecchini ad una delle persone! LOL

Francesco Pacchioni said...

No questi sono "effetti". Li avevamo sperimentati giĆ  da tempo. Hai presente i gabbiani su Bergen? Qui usiamo esseri umani al posto dei volatili. Migliaia di esseri umani... (inquietante?) :-)

Vigilius said...

Hai ragione: inquietante!

Anonymous said...

Great work so far! Will the effect with people in the building also work in FS9? That would be great!

Alessandro Cucinotta said...

On FS9 there is a problem with material of texture and the animation length limited... at moment is hard to answer at your question.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your answer. I'm sure you'll do your best to make it work in FS9 ;-). BTW I love this blog! Every developer should do something like that!